Creator studio

Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. General

The following terms and conditions apply to all orders placed by the customer (hereinafter referred to as ”You”) with Creator Studio (hereinafter referred to as “Creator Studio”, ”Us”, ”We” or "Our") at the relevant third party branded e-commerce store on the Creator Studio platform (hereinafter referred to as “Store” or "Service").
By using the Service and/or placing an order on the Store, You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein (the ”Terms”). Please make sure You have read and understood the Terms before placing Your order.
Only persons of legal age, 18 years or older, who are not under guardianship, and are not acting in capacity as a company, with a delivery address in any of the markets We deliver to can place an order.
The inclusion of any products or services on the Store at a particular time does not imply or warrant that these products or services will be available at any time. We reserve the right to discontinue any product at any time and to cancel Your order due to technical issues or products becoming unavailable.
We reserve the right to amend these Terms from time to time without prior notice to You. The version of the Terms that will apply to Your order will be those accepted by You in the checkout.
We want to provide the best possible online experience. To make this possible We need to ensure that our services runs like a clockwork. You understand and agree not to (i) post, transmit, redistribute, upload, or promote any communications or content that could harm or negatively impact our business, products or services; (ii) act in a manner or employ any device that restricts, impairs, interferes or inhibits any other user from using or enjoying the Store, or which impacts the security of the Store, or (iii) employ any device or attempt to use any engine, software, tool, agent, script or other device or mechanism (including without limitation spiders, bots, crawlers, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate or search the site, or to copy content from the Store. We reserve the right to immediately bar access to the site and close the account of any user who violates this provision or any other provision in these Terms.

2. Prices and delivery charges

Within the EU, the prices displayed at the Store include the statutory consumption tax of the jurisdiction to which the order is to be delivered. Outside of the EU and depending on the jurisdiction, You may be required to handle statutory consumption tax as well as import duties and/or fees to pay upon receipt. Any shipping fees payable will be shown to You during the checkout process.
Please note that You will bear any and all costs associated with importing the order to Your market.

3. Ordering/conclusion of contract

You can add products to Your shopping cart using the “Buy now"" button. When You use the "Proceed to checkout" button in the shopping cart You will be able to choose between different payment options. You complete Your order by completing the relevant instructions in the chosen payment option's interface. By completing the order You are making a binding offer to purchase the products in the shopping cart. Before submitting the order, You can change and view it at any time.
We will then send You an automatic confirmation of receipt by email, in which Your order is listed again and which You can print out using the "Print" function. The automatic confirmation of receipt only documents that Your order has been received by Us and does not constitute acceptance of the offer. Depending on Your selected payment option, payment may be triggered, or the amount reserved on your account, at this point in time. The order is only concluded when the products are delivered or the declaration of acceptance is made by Us, which is sent in a separate e-mail (shipping confirmation email) at which point the reserved amount, depending on the payment option You chose, is captured. The Terms applicable to Your order are not saved by Us and may not be accessible to You on the Store after the agreement has been concluded.
If for any reason We are unable to fulfill Your order, We will let You know at the earliest opportunity. If We have already received payment for such order, We will attempt to refund the applicable amount using the same method used to make the payment. If, for any reason, alternative arrangements are necessary We will notify You and ask You to contact Us via email to settle the refund.

4. Delivery

We exercise the utmost diligence in accepting and processing orders and will attempt to deliver Your order in accordance with Your selected delivery option.
Before You place Your order, You will be informed of the expected delivery details. Once You have placed Your order You will receive an email confirmation with Your expected delivery details.

5. No Right of Withdrawal

The product(s) of the order placed on the Store is/are custom-made for You, and according to the specifications provided by You. This means that You do not have a right of withdrawal, and that the purchase is final.

6. Faulty products

If the item You receive is faulty, please notify Us at Your earliest convenience using the contact form available here [link].
If We deem the item faulty, We will attempt to deliver a replacement for the faulty item. If a redelivery is not possible, You will be provided a full refund of the price of the product. We will attempt to refund the applicable amount using the same method used to make the payment. If, for any reason, alternative arrangements are necessary We will notify You and ask You to contact Us via email to settle the refund.

7. Payment methods

You can pay for Your products as set out below. Please note that the available payment options may vary per market. The payment options available to You are indicated in the checkout.

Credit card or Payment card

You can enter Your payment details at the time You place Your order using a valid credit or payment card (with a VISA, Mastercard or American Express logo). We, or Our payment service provider, reserves the right to check the validity of the credit/payment card and check for indications of fraudulent activity. These checks may include the credit/payment card’s credit status in relation to the order value and whether the address data of the purchaser is correct and/or matches the delivery address, and anti- fraud services. We may refuse orders depending on the result of these checks. Please note that applicable bank charges will be borne by You.

Other payment options

Depending on Your chosen market, one or more of the following payment options are available to you:
We, or our payment service provider, reserve the right to check the validity of the account You provide, that there are enough funds to cover the purchase sum, use anti-fraud services on the information You provide and validate the billing address details of the purchaser. We reserve the right to deny any purchase based on these checks.
You are obliged to submit a correct e-mail address and to inform Us if Your email address changes.
Please note that We are unable to accept gift cards and merchandise cards as forms of payments.
You will receive the receipt of the transaction in the shipping confirmation email.

8. Our Liability

Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit Our liability regarding any matter for which it would be unlawful for Us to limit or exclude Our liability.
We do not seek to exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation by Us or Our employees or agents. If We breach these Terms, We shall only be liable for losses which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such breach.
We are not responsible for indirect losses which are a side effect of the main loss or damage, for example loss of profits or loss of opportunity; or for failure to deliver the products or to meet any of Our other obligations under these Terms where such failure is due to an event that is beyond Our reasonable control, i.e. force majeure.
Our maximum liability to You for any loss or damage arising in connection with Your order on the Store shall be limited to the total price of Your order, unless mandatory regulations states otherwise.
If You have a problem with a product that You have purchased from the Store, please contact Us using the contact form available here [link] to solve the matter. If You are an EU resident and You were not able to settle the complaint with Us, then You can submit Your complaint to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform (the “ODR platform”).
The ODR platform offers consumers and traders within the EU with the possibility to try and reach an out-of-court settlement for complaints arising from online purchases. This single-entry point is designed to be a user-friendly and interactive website, available in all EU official languages and free of charge. Using the ODR platform, the consumer and the trader can find a dispute resolution body and then go through the process of finding a solution to the consumer’s complaint. The ODR platform is available here:

9. Colors

We make all reasonable efforts to accurately display the attributes of our products, including composition and colors. The color You see will depend on Your computer system, and We cannot guarantee that Your computer will accurately display such colors.

10. Guarantee

If there are defects in the products You have purchased, We abide by all statutory guarantee regulations. If You have a complaint regarding material or manufacturing faults in products that We have supplied, including damage incurred in transit, please let Us know by contacting Us via email.

11. Assignment

We reserve the right to assign or pledge to third parties any claim(s) for payment which have arisen in connection with the delivery of products.

12. Severance

If any part of these Terms is disallowed or found to be ineffective by any court or regulator, the other Terms shall continue to apply.

13. Ownership of rights

All intellectual property rights, such as trademarks and copyrights on the Store remain with Us, Our affiliated companies within Our company group or licensors. Any use of the Store or its contents, including copying or storing such content in whole or part, other than for Your own personal, non-commercial use, is prohibited without Our permission.

14. Company Information

H & M Hennes & Mauritz GBC AB is the merchant of sale and operates the brand Creator Studio.
Registered office: Mäster Samuelsgatan 46 A, 106 38 Stockholm, Sweden
Registered number: 556070-1715
VAT number: SE556151237601